Compiling ESDL (Windows)

Vlad Dumitrescu vlad_dumitrescu@REDACTED
Fri Oct 10 10:22:27 CEST 2003

From: "Dan Gudmundsson" <dgud@REDACTED>
> I believe that you should just do
> $ ./
> the Makefile.win32 are for the microsoft tools.
> I havn't actually tested it (either), I don't use windows, but
> Patrik does and he's the one who rewrote it.

the problem was that there I had no "Makefile" other then the obsolete
"Makefile.win32". For some reason it didn't got copied.

Now I get this:

vladum@REDACTED /cygdrive/c/Program/erl/lib/esdl
$ ./
make: *** No rule to make target `testsprite.beam', needed by `target'.  Stop.

That's why I prefer IDEs :-)


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