SSL in Erlang/OTP

Bengt Kleberg Bengt.Kleberg@REDACTED
Fri Nov 21 07:44:40 CET 2003

Alexey Shchepin wrote:
> Hello, Peter!
> On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 20:37:35 +0100 (MET), you said:
>  PH> In Erlang/OTP SSL you can have several processes, each waiting for an
>  PH> ssl:accept/N on one and the the same port. That is needed to obtain
>  PH> acceptable (no pun intended) parallellism.
> I.e. I need to run several such processess?:
> accept(ListenSocket, Opts) ->
>     case ssl:accept(ListenSocket) of
> 	{ok, Socket} ->
>             % Start new process for Socket
> 	    accept(ListenSocket, Opts);
> 	{error, Reason} -> ...
>     end.
> But even if I run e.g. 1000 such parallell accepts, malicious user still can
> open 1000 connections with the way I describe above (with ssl:accept locking),
> which will make service unaccessible for other users.
> So IMHO ssl:accept should return immediately after TCP connection to listened
> port will be established with new socket in "handshaking" state.  In this state
> must be possible to know sockname (e.g. to prevent many conections from one
> host), and data sended with ssl:send will be writed to queue, which will be


it is not enough to stop many connections from one host. think ddos 
(distributed denial of service).


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