How Mnemosyne cursors are used ?

Massimo Cesaro massimo.cesaro@REDACTED
Wed Nov 12 12:00:23 CET 2003

On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 11:01, Sean Hinde wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 09:16  am, Massimo Cesaro wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 09:57, Sean Hinde wrote:
> >> Check out ets:select in all its forms which allows you to retrieve a
> >> table in chunks. The match syntax would certainly allow you to
> >> formulate the query you have here. Also check out ets:fun2ms which
> >> allows easy generation of the match code.
> >>
> You could try to encode the Continuation term returned from 
> ets:select/3 and pass back it as the cookie.

Yes, I think that make sense. I simply overlooked it because I was too
much focused on Mnemosyne queries.
Probably using ets:select/3 and ets:fun2ms to generate queries (like you
suggested in your first answer), and then passing subsequent client
requests using the Continuation term with ets:select/1 is the solution
to this problem.
> Sean
Again, thank you for the support Sean.

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