Concerning erlang's bit syntax

Bjorn Gustavsson bjorn@REDACTED
Tue Nov 4 14:41:31 CET 2003

Works fine for me.

Are you sure compiled the module with a R9C compiler?
(It will now work with previous releases.)


Magnus Thoang <magnus.thoang@REDACTED> writes:

> Hi,
> I like erlang's bit syntax. It makes my life easier in almost all
> situations where I need to shuffle bytes around.
> I was surprised, though, when the code I had ran in the erlang shell
> had to be rewritten for the compiler:
> This matching works (R9C) in the shell but cannot be put in a module:
> <<StrSize:32,Str:StrSize/binary,Rest/binary>> =
>      <<0,0,0,6,$e,$r,$l,$a,$n,$g,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>
> When trying to compile the above expression, the compiler gives an
> error about StrSize being unbound (in the 'Str:StrSize/binary'
> expression).
> The documentation is not clear about this case, but it mentions a
> somewhat similar function head as not being allowed.
> It is just a minor annoyance, but is there a good reason for this?
> -- 
> Magnus Thoäng

Björn Gustavsson            Ericsson Utvecklings AB
bjorn@REDACTED      ÄT2/UAB/F/P
			    BOX 1505
+46 8 727 56 87 	    125 25 Älvsjö

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