Complexity Shock Horror II: the Sequel (was Re: MD5 in erlang.)

Erik Stenman Erik.Stenman@REDACTED
Thu Mar 27 12:32:20 CET 2003

Chris Pressey wrote:
> Every few months this comes up and every time it does I get more
> irritated.

Here we go agian, my pet peeve ;)

We have had the posibility to format integers in different bases in our
local HiPE system for several years now,
but for some reason the OTP team does not want to add it to the
Robert Virding has also promised to implement it but that implementation has
not made it into the distribution either.

Please, please add this functionallity to stdlib!
(I can write the documentation if that is a problem ;)

I'm Happi, you should be happy.
Praeterea censeo "0xCA" scribere Erlang posse.

Index: lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
RCS file:
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.4
--- lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl 26 Mar 2001 18:36:34 -0000
+++ lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl 27 Mar 2002 16:47:22 -0000 1.4
@@ -101,11 +101,16 @@
 collect_cc([$p|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$p,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$W|Fmt], [A,Depth|Args]) -> {$W,[A,Depth],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$P|Fmt], [A,Depth|Args]) -> {$P,[A,Depth],Fmt,Args};
+collect_cc([$#|Fmt], [A,Base|Args]) -> {$#,[A,Base],Fmt,Args};
+collect_cc([$B|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$B,[A],Fmt,Args};
+collect_cc([$b|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$b,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$s|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$s,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$e|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$e,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$f|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$f,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$g|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$g,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$c|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$c,[A],Fmt,Args};
+collect_cc([$x|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$x,[A],Fmt,Args};
+collect_cc([$X|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$X,[A],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$~|Fmt], Args) -> {$~,[],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$n|Fmt], Args) -> {$n,[],Fmt,Args};
 collect_cc([$i|Fmt], [A|Args]) -> {$i,[A],Fmt,Args}.
@@ -155,6 +160,20 @@
     term(io_lib:write(A, Depth), F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($P, [A,Depth], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) when integer(Depth) ->
     print(A, Depth, F, Adj, P, Pad, I);
+control($#, [A,Base], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) when integer(Base),
+           2 =< Base,
+           Base =< 16->
+    string(int_to_base(A, Base), F, Adj, P, Pad);
+control($B, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) ->
+  string(
+    if A < 0 -> [$- | int_to_base(-A, [], 2)];
+     true ->  int_to_base(A, [], 2)
+    end,
+    F, Adj, P, Pad);
+control($b, [A], F, Adj, none, Pad, I) ->
+    string(int_to_binary(A, 32), F, Adj, none, Pad);
+control($b, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) ->
+    string(int_to_binary(A, P), F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($s, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) when atom(A) ->
     string(atom_to_list(A), F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($s, [L], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) ->
@@ -168,6 +187,10 @@
     fwrite_g(A, F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($c, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) when integer(A) ->
     char(A band 255, F, Adj, P, Pad);
+control($x, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) when integer(A) ->
+    string(int_to_hex(A), F, Adj, P, Pad);
+control($X, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) when integer(A) ->
+    string(int_to_Hex(A), F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($~, [], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) -> char($~, F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($n, [], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) -> newline(F, Adj, P, Pad);
 control($i, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, I) -> [].
@@ -388,3 +411,58 @@
 flat_length([H|T], L) ->
     flat_length(T, L + 1);
 flat_length([], L) -> L.
+int_to_hex(N) -> int_to_hex(N, $a-10).
+int_to_Hex(N) -> int_to_hex(N, $A-10).
+int_to_hex(N, LetterBase) ->
+    if N < 0 -> [$-, $0, $x | int_to_hex(-N, [], LetterBase)];
+       true ->  [$0, $x | int_to_hex(N, [], LetterBase)]
+    end.
+int_to_hex(N, Tail, LetterBase) ->
+    NewN = N bsr 4,
+    Digit = N band 15,
+    Char =
+ if Digit < 10 -> Digit+$0;
+    true -> Digit+LetterBase
+ end,
+    NewTail = [Char | Tail],
+    if NewN =:= 0 -> NewTail;
+       true -> int_to_hex(NewN, NewTail, LetterBase)
+    end.
+int_to_binary(N, Wordsize) ->
+    if N < 0 ->
+ Bits = int_to_base(-N, [],2),
+ pad(length(Bits),Bits,Wordsize,$1);
+       true ->
+ Bits = int_to_base(N, [], 2),
+ pad(length(Bits),Bits,Wordsize,$0)
+    end.
+pad(N,Bits,Wordsize, Pad) ->
+  if N < Wordsize ->
+      pad(N+1,[Pad|Bits],Wordsize,Pad);
+     true ->
+      Bits
+  end.
+int_to_base(N, Base) ->
+    if N < 0 -> [$- | integer_to_list(Base)]
+    ++ [$# | int_to_base(-N, [], Base)];
+       true ->  integer_to_list(Base)  ++ [$# | int_to_base(N, [], Base)]
+    end.
+int_to_base(N, Tail, Base) ->
+    NewN = N div Base,
+    Digit = N - (NewN*Base),
+    Char =
+ if Digit < 10 -> Digit+$0;
+    true -> Digit+$a-10
+ end,
+    NewTail = [Char | Tail],
+    if NewN =:= 0 -> NewTail;
+       true -> int_to_base(NewN, NewTail, Base)
+    end.

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