Strange behaviour with a record in a guard
Vance Shipley
Mon Mar 3 18:25:07 CET 2003
foo(R) when record(R, r1), R#r1.f1 == undefined ->
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 10:07:28AM +0100, Åke Johansson AI (EAB) wrote:
} ...
} -record(r1,{f1})
} foo(R) when R#r1.f1 == undefined ->
} ok.
} ...
} It seems like foo(R) matches any tuple of size 2 or bigger, where the
} second element is undefined. Should not the compiler add code which
} checks that R is a record of the correct type?
} A sample program and sample run is found below.
} / Ake
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