Inets Performance

Erlang Question erlang@REDACTED
Wed Jun 4 23:30:15 CEST 2003

Hi! Let me show my problem... 

I´m using intes to develop a web interface  having  dinamicals forms with some text boxes to complete. In spite of  access from the server (worst if access from a client) if the form have a big number of data to complete then the cgi request never arrives to the server or better said: the cgi-module doesn´t executes(ie:one hundred if it´s in server; in client no more than 10 aprox.)
... otherwise no problem, the cgi module  executes successfull (if form have few elements in the form).

I read all about inets configuration and the httpd_core documentation thinking that the problem may be in the max header size or max body size clause...but it doesn´t fix-up  my problem...

So now, I don´t have idea what could it's be a performance problem of the inets web server? or a bad configuration in the httpd_conf? or what could it be?  

any suggestion are welcome...thanks in advance gabriel...
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