getting erl_interface C program to reply to net_adm:ping/1

Peter-Henry Mander erlang@REDACTED
Thu Aug 7 19:47:31 CEST 2003

I suspected that much. I initially wanted to fix the ping problem, since 
that made the "pinger" node hang indefinitely when the "pingee" node was 
a C-node which received the ping without replying. That's fixed now, 
thanks for the help everyone.

Would there be any use in me uploading the C code to show as an example?


Vance Shipley wrote:
> Pete,
> You could in theory have your C-node appear as a fully 
> distributed node but to do so you would have to implement
> all the functionality of an Erlang runtime system at least
> as far as distribution goes.  That would be a formidable 
> task.  erl_interface does not attempt to do this but just
> lets you communicate with a process written in C.
> 	-Vance

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