the beginner

Joe Armstrong joe@REDACTED
Wed Apr 30 13:47:55 CEST 2003

You've probably typed the program in incorrectly.

Your error is in line 8  - stare at it and compare it with the example.

If that fails post  the file so  we can see  what you actually  wrote and
then we can say what went wrong.



On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, wicaksono  wrote:

> hi all, i'am just starting this erlang. I try to make 
> first aplication using windows as my os. I create a file 
> at c>Program Files\erl5.2\math1.erl as user guide.
> but while I compile it always show
> ./math1.erl:8: premature end
> ./math1.erl:8: no module definition
> error
> what is that mean ?
> sorry for my stupied question
> regards,
> Wicak
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