Mike Williams mike@REDACTED
Mon Apr 28 18:56:07 CEST 2003

AXE10 is written in PLEX, a programming language invented 
during the mid 1970s. PLEX is a very simple language, for example
there is no way to call a subroutine/function with parameters.

What has kept PLEX alive and successful for so many years is:

1. The Block and Signal Concept (extremely light weight concurency)
2. The ability to statically declare the size of arrays (called files
   in PLEX) and change the size at run time.
3. No wild pointers or memory leackage problems
4. Very fine grained MMU protections
5. Extensive hardware support in PLEX machines for non intrusive
   debugging at run time even out in exhanges in operation.
6. The reload variable concept, variables which are reloaded after
   a system crash


In article <200304281510.h3SFAmk09815@REDACTED>,
 Laszlo.Varga@REDACTED (Laszlo Varga) writes:
|> AFAIK there is no ERLANG VM for AXE processor.
|> Cheers
|> Laszlo
|> > From: "wicaksono " <wicak.noeg@REDACTED>
|> > Subject: AXE10
|> > To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
|> > Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 20:29:11 +0700
|> > MIME-Version: 1.0
|> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
|> > X-Scanner: exiscan for exim4 ( 
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|> > X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2003 14:43:51.0255 (UTC) 
|> FILETIME=[95975670:01C30D94]
|> > 
|> > Hi all,
|> > does AXE10 system use erlang as their programming 
|> > language? 
|> > 
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