ets:match(Continuation) usage question.

martin j logan martin@REDACTED
Fri Apr 25 16:45:09 CEST 2003

On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 15:48, Jeff Einhorn wrote:
> I was wondering what happens if updates are made to an ets table while an
> ets:match(Continuation) search is being ran?
> 	thanks for your time,
> 		-jeff

    I am not totally sure if this relates to your question, perhaps one
of the ets authors could clarify, but I believe that if you do a
ets:match with a continuation while updates are performed that it
behaves similar to mnesia:dirty_next under the same circumstance i.e
undefined. I think that there is an internal hash that is altered upon
an updates. This alterations changes the internal structure in a way
that is incompatible with continuations. I am not sure if I am totally
on the mark here though. 


> Jeffrey M. Einhorn
> Software Engineer
> Web Development Group
> FutureSource, LLC
> jeinhorn@REDACTED

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