mnesia:match_object() on an ordered_set

Ulf Wiger etxuwig@REDACTED
Fri Apr 25 13:04:54 CEST 2003

On Fri, 25 Apr 2003, Ulf Wiger wrote:

>(A random thought: if an ets:match_object/3 could allow one
>to specify a target ets table, a corresponding
>mnesia:match_object/3 run over a fragmented table could
>drop all found objects in an ordered_set table, and the
>problem would be solved. This ets:match_object/3 function
>would also have very pleasant memory characteristics, since
>it would not build large heap structures.)

(I notice that I keep following up on my own posts...)

Perhaps this is really a version of ets:new()...?


ets:new(found_set, [{type, ordered_set},
                    {select, {Tab, Pattern}}]).

This would create a new ETS table, and populate it with the
results from ets:select(Tab, Pattern).

The next step would be to perform a join operation. ;-)

Ulf Wiger, Senior Specialist,
   / / /   Architecture & Design of Carrier-Class Software
  / / /    Strategic Product & System Management
 / / /     Ericsson AB, Connectivity and Control Nodes

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