Fwd: forwarded message from Christian Tismer (fwd)
Bijan Parsia
Thu Apr 17 19:57:02 CEST 2003
Is Erlang up to this challenge?
[[[Let me simply end this pamphlete with some simple sentences:
Stackless Python is more capable of tasklets switching than any
other light-weight threading software package.
If anyone disagrees, please give me a runnable counter-example.]]]
[Numbers and other details in forwarded message below.]
Bijan Parsia.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Christian Tismer <tismer@REDACTED>
> Date: Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:40:32 AM US/Eastern
> To: stackless@REDACTED, Pythonistas <python-list@REDACTED>,
> python-dev@REDACTED, dev@REDACTED, "Hilmar V. Pétursson"
> <hilmar@REDACTED>, Matthías Guðmundsson <matti@REDACTED>, Mark
> Peek <mpeek@REDACTED>, Lonhyn Jasinskyj <ljasinskyj@REDACTED>,
> Sam Rushing <srushing@REDACTED>, Eric Huss <ehuss@REDACTED>,
> Arman Bostani <arman@REDACTED>, Ingunn Jónsdóttir
> <ingunn@REDACTED>, "Eggert J. Magnússon" <ejm@REDACTED>, Hannes
> Tismer <hannes@REDACTED>, Guido van Rossum <guido@REDACTED>, Tim
> Peters <tim.one@REDACTED>, achtman@REDACTED, Axel Roepke
> <aroepke@REDACTED>, Christoph von Stuckrad <stucki@REDACTED>,
> Eric van Riet Paap <eric@REDACTED>, Peter Freimuth
> <pf@REDACTED>, Gerald von Tschirnhaus <gvt@REDACTED>, Gordon McMillan
> <gmcm@REDACTED>, Jean-Claude Wippler <jcw@REDACTED>, Giorgio
> Giacomazzi <giorgio@REDACTED>, Axel Bringenberg <bringi@REDACTED
> berlin.de>, Marita Antony <Antony-Berlin@REDACTED>, Laura Lewin
> <laura@REDACTED>, Laura Creighton <lac@REDACTED>, Aaron Watters
> <aaron@REDACTED>, Fredrik Lundh <fredrik@REDACTED>
> Subject: Stackless 3.0 alpha 1 at blinding speed
> Dear community, dear Stackless addicts, dear friends,
> Ich habe Euch wirklich was zu erzählen, liebe Freunde,
> I really have to tell you a story!
> During the last four months, I have been struggling with
> Stackless Python, and especially with myself and how to
> get re-focused on my major project which you know very well.
> Some of you might know quite well too how hard this was for me,
> especially in the context of my parent's endangeroured health.
> This particular problem seems to be solved,
> for the moment, so let's celebrate the moment, celebrate the moment!
> Without going into details, I would like to tell you about the
> current status of Stackless Python.
> For short, like an abstract, Stackless 3.0 is something like an
> or-merge of Stackless 1.0 and 2.0 technology.
> Guido, Tim, you both will probably remember my lengthy approaches
> to introduce those continuations, years ago, you both convinced
> me to drop them, and I did what I was supposed to do. I'm hopefully
> a proper citizen, right now. Anyway, you know I'll never really be...
> After a long period of depression, I re-invented Stackless in early
> 2002, with a version number of 2.0, denoting that I had dropped all the
> 1.0 paradigms (as there are: (1) try to keep compatible, (2) do minimal
> changes only, (3) absolutely avoid assembly code at all)
> At the same time, I dismissed all of my Stackless 1.0 code, which was
> continuation-based, an absolute no-no in Guido's eyes. I still do think
> that TimP wasn't that conformant to this "nono"-statement, after I read
> a lot of his comments, especially side-notes on the thread-sig,
> but this time Guido's veto was clearly stronger than Tim's arguing,
> a thing that doesn't happen so often, but I'm proactively respecting
> this, positively.
> Now, after all that rubbish, let's go into facts, which are quite
> interesting.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Today, I finished Stackless Python 3.0, alpha 3.0.1!
> First of all, I would like to talk about the new principles.
> Yes, no, there are no longer continuations in that sense.
> I'm meanwhile convinced that we don't want to support them,
> any longer, although I'm happy that Stackless allowed me to
> learn *all* any much more about them that that is avalable
> on the wor(th|ld) w/h)i(d|l)e net!!
> Q&A:
> Q: What is it about that Stackless 3.0, will this guy never shut up???
> A: No, he most probably never will, unless he's dead, and this is
> another 40 or more years in advance, for heaven's sake.
> Q: So, what is it about that Stackless 3.0 hype around since months?
> A: Simple! Stackless 3.0 has all the hardware switching stuff in it
> that Stackless 2.0 had. Stackless 3.0 also incorporates 80% of the
> soft switching protocol that Stackless 1.0 had.
> But there are a lot of new features:
> Stackless has again shown how to marry the impossible with the
> imbelievable, and this is the new concept of Stackless 3.0:
> There is a maerge between (1.0) soft context switching and (2.0)
> hard context switching, which always does the most reasonable thing.
> There are a lot of benefits which stem from this hybrid solution,
> which will appear in one of my most recent papers, pretty soon.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Let me simply end this pamphlete with some simple sentences:
> Stackless Python is more capable of tasklets switching than any
> other light-weight threading software package.
> If anyone disagrees, please give me a runnable counter-example.
> Here are some impressive site-specific time measurements, which
> especially show, that 20.000.000 cframe tasklet switches per
> second are really, really hard to beat.
> Pythonon Win32:
> D:\slpdev\src\2.2\src\Stackless\test>..\..\pcbuild\python taskspeed.py
> 10000000 frame switches took 3.83061 seconds, rate = 2610551/s
> 10000000 frame softswitches took 2.40112 seconds, rate = 4164718/s
> 10000000 cfunction calls took 2.13033 seconds, rate = 4694098/s
> 10000000 cframe softswitches took 0.49296 seconds, rate = 20285627/s
> 10000000 cframe switches took 1.98907 seconds, rate = 5027486/s
> 10000000 cframe 100 words took 3.93737 seconds, rate = 2539768/s
> The penalty per stack word is about 0.980 percent of raw switching.
> Stack size of initial stub = 14
> Stack size of frame tasklet = 58
> Stack size of cframe tasklet = 35
> D:\slpdev\src\2.2\src\Stackless\test>
> Python on Debian
> -- Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@REDACTED>
> Mission Impossible 5oftware : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's
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> whom do you want to sponsor today? http://www.stackless.com/
> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
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