Raskin book on UI and radical data thoughts

Marc Ernst Eddy van Woerkom Marc.Vanwoerkom@REDACTED
Wed Apr 2 12:02:48 CEST 2003

> I may have to try to find a copy of the book because some
> of the ideas seem familiar to what I have been thinking about
> lately.
> "Perhaps we don't need applications at all. This revolutionary idea

My gut feeling is that there will be no big revolution until we get
mind control. :) 

One bit from the book that I see more and more applied is a
more evolutionary progress called zoomable GUIs (or ZUIs or 2.5d 
interfaces). There is a group around Ben Bederson 


that produces cool libs (Jazz) and some nice apps that use this
approach. Nice for mice with a scrolling wheel BTW. 
We created a great ZUI at my last company using Jazz. 

Another such ZUI lib is VTM


but I have not programmed it yet.


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