UPDATE: Semantic support for Erlang

Vladimir Sekissov svg@REDACTED
Wed Nov 27 14:41:49 CET 2002

Good day,

I've just updated my semantic-erlang code. For those who want to try
it the archive is in the attachement.

Semantic page: http://cedet.sourceforge.net/semantic.shtml


1. Package notation for modules added.
2. Some bugs fixed.
3. Added documentation generation for functions and records in EDOC
format - function `erlang-edoc-inline'.

Example of generated code:

%% @spec pread_int( File, List, R ) -> Return
%%       File = undocumented
%%       List = undocumented
%%       R    = undocumented
%% @doc 
%% @end

pread_int(File, [], R) ->
    {ok, lists:reverse(R)}.

%% @type opt1().
%%    <dl>
%%      <dt>name </dt><dd>test comment 0</dd>
%%      <dt>name2</dt><dd>undocumented</dd>
%%      <dt>value</dt><dd>undocumented</dd>
%%      <dt>check</dt><dd>test comment1</dd>
%%      <dt>multi</dt><dd>test comment2</dd>
%%    </dl>
%% @end
-record(opt1, {name,%test comment 0
	       value=undefined, check=atom, %test comment1
	       multi=false%test comment2


1. Unpack archive somewhere in your path.

2. Add this directory to elisp load path.

3. Install semantic as described in semantic doc.

4. In your .emacs:

(load-library "semantic-erlang")

Send me your comments and suggestions.

Best Regards,
Vladimir Sekissov
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