Interactive Mnemosyne

Gerd Flaig gerd@REDACTED
Tue Nov 26 14:58:16 CET 2002


how can I make interactive queries? Simple queries like

  17> mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:all_keys(numberplan) end).

are not powerful enough to explore the database in the hope of finding
interesting properties of the data that's contained therein. Since
Mnemosyne is based on a parse transform, I assume it's currently not
possible to use it on the command line. Is there another solution?

      Goodbyte, Gerd.
Gerd Flaig                     Technik                gerd@REDACTED
Bei Schlund + Partner AG       Erbprinzenstr. 4-12  D-76133 Karlsruhe
 Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results,
 but that's not why we do it. -- Richard Feynman

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