a question about tcp/ip stack
Luke Gorrie
Wed Nov 20 16:00:28 CET 2002
"ghulam mujtaba" <comsianpro@REDACTED> writes:
> hello
> we are the group of MCS students and we want to do TCP/IP stack
> generalization(means that in a LAN we have differents MAC addresses
> and now if we want to add tcp/ip support).
> and also compatibility for all the devices for that tcp/ip stack.
> we hope that u will response as quickly as u can.
I'm not sure what you're after exactly, but you might be interested in
the complete TCP/IP implementation that Torbjorn Tornkvist has done in
Erlang. http://www.bluetail.com/wiki/showPage?node=ErlangTCP - it runs
directly on top of ethernet and implements ARP and so on.
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