Higher Order Function Question

Thomas Arts thomas@REDACTED
Thu May 16 09:12:45 CEST 2002

Hi Alex

> disjoin([Fn | FnTail]) ->
>         fun(Args) ->
>                 apply(Fn, [Args]) orelse apply(apply(disjoin, [FnTail]), [Args]) end;
> disjoin([Fn]) ->
>         Fn.
> Can anyone help please?

turn around the first and second clause. The first clause
also matches disjoint([F]), since in that case FnTail is


ps. You don't need to use three apply's, I guess you want to
recursively apply disjoin on the rest of the functions:

fun(Args) ->
   apply(Fn, [Args]) orelse
      apply(apply(disjoin, [FnTail]), [Args]) 

is equal to:

fun(Args) ->
   apply(Fn,[Args]) orelse

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