are R7 .beam files compatible with the R8 VM? Vice versa?

Raimo Niskanen raimo@REDACTED
Wed May 15 13:43:55 CEST 2002

It was not necessary to recompile.

I have not tried, but R5 .beam files should still run on R9 when it is
released. It is our intention to keep backwards compatibility for .beam
files, but one day we might have to break this habit. In that case we
will let you know. Read the release notes.

/ Raimo

Matthias Lang wrote:
> Hi,
> .beam files compiled on R7 seem to work on R8, but is this guaranteed to
> work? (I went and recompiled everything, just in case, but now I'm
> wondering if that was necessary).
> Matthias

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