Declaring Variables.

Bengt Kleberg eleberg@REDACTED
Wed Jun 5 12:02:32 CEST 2002

> From: K Chandra Shekhar <kchandrashekhar@REDACTED>
> To: erlang-questions@REDACTED

> Is there any method by which i can use variables globally.


> I am developing a roaming solution for mobile phones and am 
> totally stuck at a point where i have to pass the values of 
> some variables form one p[roces to the other.....and i cant 
> use the  "Proces ! {parameters} " feature.
> I wouls be extremely greateful if somebody could suggest 
> some method of doing so.

use ets.
create a table. write the variable into it in one process, and
read from the other.


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