Yaws API discussion

Sean Hinde Sean.Hinde@REDACTED
Mon Jul 15 23:20:50 CEST 2002


> I would suggest that you take a look at some of the
> Java page rendering technology. They have allot of
> experience in this type of thing by now. Probably
> start out with the taglib stuff and then take a look
> at Struts (available at jakarta.apache.org/struts).
> Perhaps also take a look at webmacro
> (www.webmacro.org) and velocity
> (jakarta.apache.org/velocity). I personally like the
> idea of taglibs and compiled pages (I think they are
> much faster), but the template engines and thier
> restricted data manipulation langauges are nice as
> well.

Interesting links, and I do agree that separating presentation from dynamic
content is important (web design agencies don't do Erlang!)

This might be something of a plug for my last post.. but Joe's esp can be
used (and is by us) as a nice simple (erlang native) alternative to the
velocity templates.

We write pretty much all the presentation html as standalone html files
which are parameterised with variables from a dictionary (shown as ${var} in
the html).

It is also possible to pass in lists of variables and iterate over them with
a lists:map - very much like the #foreach stuff in Velocity Templates
(though with slightly more syntax <e>..</e>). This allows the nice
generation of tables etc used in the VTL examples.

With a little more work I think this esp stuff could be quite a nice basis
for what you describe


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