java corba error

Roberto Portugal (CEC) roberto.portugal@REDACTED
Mon Aug 5 19:14:53 CEST 2002


I built a java program to get data from mnesia erlang database. I can get this information:

Mnesia is_running? true
backup_module: mnesia_backup
Directory: /opt/ANx/Site-data/db/Mnesia.anx_cp@REDACTED
Dump Log time time threshold 300000 ms.
Local_tables orber_CosNaming
Num Local_tables 52
mnesia tables: orber_CosNaming - orber_objkeys - ir_ORB - ir_InterfaceDef - ir_OperationDef - i
r_AttributeDef - ir_ExceptionDef - ir_ArrayDef - ir_SequenceDef - ir_StringDef -
 ir_PrimitiveDef - ir_AliasDef - ir_EnumDef - ir_UnionDef - ir_StructDef - ir_Ty
pedefDef - ir_ConstantDef - ir_ModuleDef - ir_Repository - ir_IDLType - ir_Conta
iner - ir_Contained - ir_IRObject - me_service - me_adsl_perf_log_db - subrack -
 vartable - rcPhPoints - network_element - pvc - adsl_nt_board - atm_perf_cellmu
x - cellbus_bw - atm_perf_et - adsl - treattable - me_td_db - board - adsl_conf_
prof - slot - rcInterfaces - rcTop - sr_nb - adsl_pm_prof - schema - audit_table
 - adsl_nt_line - logtable - system_node - dbh_NameTable - dbh_VersionTable - subscribers 

However when I try to get information on some particular table, the following error appear:

Error: reason.value: {undef,{subrack,tc,[]}}

This is the sentence used to get data from "subrack" table:

	if(mnesia.Status.ok == mcsRef.dirty_match_all("subrack", result, reason))

After a trace on server code, error is generated on "mnesia_session_impl" file, exactly on:

%% Corba records remapping!
remap_anytype([]) -> [];
remap_anytype([L |Lrest]) ->
    RecName = element(1, L),
    Type = RecName:tc(),			[Here...]
    [#any{typecode = Type, value = Obj} || Obj <- [L |Lrest]].

any suggestion are welcome. Thanks

Best regards,


Roberto Portugal
System Integrator

Regional Competence Center
Ericsson Chile, S.A.
Av. Vitacura 2808, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile 
Telf.: +56 2 372 53 95
Fax:  +56 2 372 50 57 
E-mail: roberto.portugal@REDACTED

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