c Merritt <cyberlync@REDACTED>
Eric Merritt
Thu Apr 18 17:37:22 CEST 2002
I was wondaring why every one was posting replies
that agreed with me so closly, then I
realized my typo ->
'Thus you would be able to use these without some,
possibly extensive, modifications.'
should have read ->
'Thus you would not be able to use these without
some, possibly extensive, modifications.'
This will teach me not to review my comments
before posting.
Let me restate my point, we have a decent single
line comment, it maybe a bit diffrent but it
works. The only thing we would probably get
from adding '//' style comments is some
minor amount of confusion. There seems to
be no ROI for this addition. Now that being
said, I like the idea of multiline comments
very much.
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