I killed the compiler

Ulf Wiger etxuwig@REDACTED
Tue Nov 6 17:33:48 CET 2001

While compiling with OTP R7B (compiler-, I received the
following internal compiler crash:

        erlc   -I
/vobs/AXD30/AXD301/AXD301_AXD30101_1/AXD301_CXA11401/CPS/inc  -I
/vobs/PROJ/Tools/CCviewer_LXA11934/inc  -I
/vobs/PROJ/Tools/CCviewer_LXA11934/out  -W -pz ../out/dbg +trace
-D sys_debug -o /vobs/PROJ/Tools/CCviewer_LXA11934/out/dbg
internal error in v3_core;
crash reason: {{case_clause,{'EXIT',{function_clause,



I'll admit that the module shouldn't have compiled. It was a bad
copy-and-paste on my part:

	    {NewTs, NewS} =
		case Ts of
		    [H|T] when element(1,H) == comment ->

where I inserted the ?dbg macro in the middle of an "assignment"

For what it's worth, dbg was defined thus:

-define(dbg, ok=io:format("ccv_erl_pp[~w] X=~w~n", [?LINE,X])).

Ulf Wiger, Senior Specialist,
   / / /   Architecture & Design of Carrier-Class Software
  / / /    Strategic Product & System Management
 / / /     Ericsson Telecom AB, ATM Multiservice Networks

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