rcp:cast/4 example?

Ulf Wiger etxuwig@REDACTED
Wed Mar 28 10:01:15 CEST 2001

Two things that might confuse the results:

- rpc sets the "group leader" of the process executing the
  function to the group leader of the process requesting the
  call. If there is IO, it should appear on the node from where
  the rpc:cast() originated.

- The ?SYS_DBG macro only prints if a debug compiled version of
  mlgCpt.erl is loaded on the node where the function is executed
  (i.e. the remote node) AND debug:filter(mlgCpt, Tag) returns
  true on the same node. Otherwise, no printout will be generated.

That is, you have to call debug:on(mlgCpt) on both nodes, and look for
the output on the node executing call_ch_nodes_to_get_data/1.

Have you tried calling rpc:cast(node(), mlgCpt, trace_call, [...])
from the shell?

It should give the same behaviour as calling the function directly
from the shell.


On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, andy allen wrote:

>Hi, all.
>I'm looking for advice on a simple example of rpc:cast/4.
>I am trying to get the following code to execute:
>call_ch_nodes_to_get_data(DataToPassWithCall) ->
>    ?SYS_DBG(int_if, "mlgAmsCpt:call_ch_nodes_to_Get_data(~w)~n",
>	     [DataToPassWithCall]),
>    ChNodes = get_ch_nodes(),
>    ?SYS_DBG(int_if, "Found the following nodes: ~w ~n", [ChNodes]),
>    Module = mlgCpt,
>    Function = trace_cast,
>    [ChNode | Rest] = ChNodes, % Temporary hack for one node
>    ?SYS_DBG(int_if, "Will cast to the node ~w, module ~w, function
>                      ~w with the parameters ~w ~n",
>             [ChNode, Module, Function, [DataToPassWithCall]]),
>    X = rpc:cast(ChNode, Module, Function, [DataToPassWithCall]),
>    ?SYS_DBG(int_if, "Result of cast: ~w ~n", [X]),
>    nnn.
>SYS_DBG {mlgAmsCpt,680,int_if}, <0.20019.3> 27-Mar-2001 15:13:37.022072:
>-- mlgAmsCpt:call_ch_nodes_to_Get_data ({{switch_dev_id, 1}, {channel, 
>ChNodes = get_ch_nodes(), SYS_DBG {mlgAmsCpt,691,int_if}, <0.20019.3> 
>27-Mar-2001 15:13:37.046248:
>-- Found the following nodes: ['cp1-19@REDACTED']
>SYS_DBG {mlgAmsCpt,697,int_if}, <0.20019.3> 27-Mar-2001  15:13:37.048843:
>-- Will cast to the node 'cp1-19@REDACTED', module mlgCpt, function trace_call 
>with the parameters [{{switch_dev_id,1},{channel,all}}]
>SYS_DBG {mlgAmsCpt,701,int_if}, <0.20019.3> 27-Mar-2001  15:13:37.052683:
>-- Result of cast: true
>To make certain that the function I am casting to works, I can call it with 
>the following line from an Erlang shell:
>mlgCpt:trace_call({{switch_dev_id, 1}, {channel, all}}).
>It executes past a "SYS_DBG" statement, then crashes. But when I cast to it, 
>it should at least execute the "SYS_DBG" statement, right?
>For the uninitiated:
>1. rpc is a library in the standard Erlang distribution,
>2. ?SYS_DBG is a macro that works like a printf.
>Thanks for ANY help you can give me!
>Andy Allen
>Ericsson, EUS/SA/BA
>P.S. Has anyone considered expanding the MAN pages with simple hello-world 
>examples of each library call?
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Ulf Wiger                                    tfn: +46  8 719 81 95
Senior System Architect                      mob: +46 70 519 81 95
Strategic Product & System Management    ATM Multiservice Networks
Data Backbone & Optical Services Division      Ericsson Telecom AB

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