Erlang Development Environment

Mats Cronqvist etxmacr@REDACTED
Wed Mar 7 15:45:22 CET 2001

> From: Sean Hinde <Sean.Hinde@REDACTED>
> 1. Function name completion on tab,
> 2. 'f1' to take you to the detailed doc for that function
> 3. or even just bring up the possible function headers with the names of the
> variables (kind of like you get when entering an equation in M$ Excel) -
> this could even work without access to any docs and for our own functions in
> our own modules in the current path.
> 4. Click to jump to the function implementation.
> 5. .. Take a look at Visual C++ or some of those things and steal (without
> breaking any software copyright laws of course ;) ) the best and most
> relevant ideas.

  not that i would ever try to pass myself off as an emacs expert, but i 
believe points 2 & 4 are implemented in emacs/erlang.el

2. bind the 'f1' (or any other key) to erlang-man-function
     i have this in my .emacs;
(setq erlang-root-dir "~/OTP"))
(add-hook 'erlang-mode-hook 'my-erlang-mode-hook)
(defun my-erlang-mode-hook ()
(local-set-key "\C-x\?" 'erlang-man-function))

4. 'meta-.' should run the function erlang-find-tag (you could of course bind a
click to this function). it grabs the function name at point and moves point to
the function definition (possibly in a different module).
  you'll have to generate a tags file first, e.g. by running etags (in a
unix shell it's "etags *erl")


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