[E-CFP] AGP'01 2nd CFP
Marco Comini
Wed Jun 6 17:01:20 CEST 2001
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2nd Call for Papers
Deadline July, 1st 2001
Evora, Portugal
September 26-28 2001
Following APPIA-GULP-PRODE'00 in La Habana (Cuba) the next joint APPIA,
GULP, and PRODE conference will be held in Evora (Portugal), in September
26-28, 2001.
The aim of the Conference is to foster scientific meetings between Italian,
Portuguese, Spanish and Latin America researchers, to improve the knowledge
of the state of the art of declarative programming (through the invited
talks) and to show the ongoing research done (through presentations of
Program Chairs
Luís Moniz Pereira U. Nova de Lisboa (P.)
Paulo Quaresma U. de Evora (P.)
Program Committee
Salvador Pinto Abreu (U. de Evora, P.)
José J. Alferes (U. Nova de Lisboa, P.)
Patrizia Asirelli (IEI, CNR, I.)
Pedro Barahona (U. Nova de Lisboa, P.)
Elvira Pino Blanco (U. Politécnica de Cataluña, E.)
Marco Comini (U. di Udine, I.)
Carlos Damásio (U. Nova de Lisboa, P.)
Andrea Formisano (U. di Perugia, I.)
Marisa Navarro Gómez (U. del Pais Vasco, E.)
Sergio Greco (U. della Calabria, I.)
Blas Carlos Ruiz Jimenez (U. de Málaga, E.)
Alberto Martelli (U. di Torino, I.)
Maurizio Martelli (U. di Genova, I.)
Francisco Galan Morillo (U. de Sevilla, E.)
Juan José Moreno Navarro (U. Politécnica de Madrid, E.)
Luís Moniz Pereira (U. Nova de Lisboa, P.)
Fernando Saez Pérez (U. Complutense de Madrid, E.)
Alberto Pettorossi (U. di Roma Tor Vergata, I.)
Paulo Quaresma (U. de Evora, P.)
Maria José Ramirez (U. Politécnica de Valencia, E.)
Gianfranco Rossi (U. di Parma, I.)
Fernando Silva (U. do Porto, P.)
Local Organizing Committee
Iara de Almeida
Lígia Ferreira
Vítor Nogueira
Luís Rato
The technical program for the conference will include invited lectures and
presentations of papers. Papers will be reviewed and accepted submissions
will be available on WEB. Please specify whether the submitted paper is
also under consideration (or accepted) for presentation in other meetings.
Submissions of papers are welcome on all aspects of declarative
programming, including, but not limited to:
Theoretical Foundations: languages, semantics, procedures for declarative
Program development tools
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Critical surveys
Applications and evaluation
Papers must not exceed 15 pages, including references and figures and must
include a cover page containing the following: title of the paper, a
200-word abstract, keywords, postal and electronic mailing addresses, and
voice and fax numbers of the contact author. Papers can be written in
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or, preferably, in English. Papers should be
formatted according to a LaTeX style file, which can be retrieved from the
conference web site http://www.di.uevora.pt/~agp01/manus.html. Accepted
papers must be presented at the conference.
Authors are invited to submit their papers electronically in (compressed
uuencoded) postscript version to the following e-mail address:
Submissions: July 1
Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 27
Deadline for final text: September 7
Conference Site:
The Conference is organized by the University of Evora
http://www.uevora.pt, founded in 1559 in Evora (Portugal). Evora
located 140km southeast of Lisbon, and 60 km from the spanish border, is
one of the oldest cities in the Iberian Peninsula and it was classified by
UNESCO as World Heritage. As a Roman Town it was known as "Liberalitas
Julia" and it became important during the late Middle Ages. Evora is also
reknown for its architecture, with monuments varying in style from the
Gothic and Manueline to the Moorish.
For further details consult:
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