snmp agent -- Error status = noSuchName, index = 1.

Micael Karlberg micael.karlberg@REDACTED
Wed Jan 31 13:17:18 CET 2001

What version of the agent are you using?


Adrian John Cahill wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am haing a bit of trouble with the snmp agent in Erlang. If i try
> to send a request to the agent, i get the following error:
> 3> snmp_mgr:gn([[1,3]]).
> ok
> * Got PDU: v1, CommunityName = "all-rights"
> *!*!* An error occured. *!*!*
> Error status = noSuchName, index = 1.
> Response,         Request Id:79933850
>   [1,3] = 'NULL'
> I turned on verbose error messages in the agent window, and it displays
> the following error:
>    got paket from {127,0,0,1}:5000
>    v1, community: all-rights
> ** SNMP LOCAL-DB LOG: variable get: snmpEngineMaxMessageSize
> ** SNMP LOCAL-DB LOG: table next: snmpTargetAddrTable
> ** SNMP LOCAL-DB LOG: table next: snmpTargetAddrTable -> first
> ** SNMP LOCAL-DB DEBUG: table next result: " v3"
> ** SNMP LOCAL-DB LOG: table get row: snmpTargetAddrTable -> "
> v3"
> ** SNMP LOCAL-DB DEBUG: table get row result: {" v3",
>                                                [1,3,6,1,6,1,1],
>                                                [127,0,0,1,19,136],
>                                                1500,
>                                                3,
>                                                "std_trap",
>                                                "target_v3",
>                                                3,
>                                                1,
>                                                [],
>                                                [],
>                                                2048}

<--- snip --->

> I noticed that it says target_v3, i have the agent set up for snmp v1, i
> have tried snmp v1&2&3 but i get the exact same error message.
> I do not know how to progress this any further, if anyone has any
> suggestions i would be delighted.

The " v3" is read from the target_addr.conf file 
The "target_v3" is read from the target_params.conf file. 
These are just names you have selected. You can call them anything you 
like (but not "").

> Tia
> adrian

Micael Karlberg   
Ericsson Utvecklings AB, Älvsjö, Sweden
Tel:  +46 8 727 5668
Mail: micael.karlberg@REDACTED
Fax:  +46 8 727 5668

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