PPDP 2001: Call for Papers (second call)

Harald Sondergaard harald@REDACTED
Thu Jan 18 01:45:36 CET 2001

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.)

                   Third International Conference on


                  Firenze, Italy, 5-7 September 2001

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

PPDP 2001 aims to stimulate research on the use of declarative methods
in programming  and on the design,  implementation  and application of
programming languages  that support such methods.   Topics of interest
include any aspect related to understanding, integrating and extending
programming paradigms such as those for functional, logic,  constraint
and  object-oriented  programming;  concurrent extensions  and  mobile
computing; type theory; support for modularity; use of logical methods
in the design of  program  development  tools;  program  analysis  and
verification;  abstract interpretation;  development of implementation
methods;  application of the relevant paradigms and associated methods
in industry and education.   This list is not exhaustive:  submissions
describing new and interesting ideas  relating broadly to  declarative
programming are encouraged.   The technical program  of the conference
will combine presentations  of the accepted papers  with invited talks
and advanced tutorials.

PPDP 2001  is part of a federation of colloquia  known as  Principles,
Logics  and  Implementations  of  high-level   programming   languages
(PLI 2001)  which includes the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
Functional  Programming  (ICFP 2001)  and a large number of  workshops
devoted to aspects of programming languages.

The colloquia will run from 2 to 8 September, 2001.  The venue for the
conference is Firenze (Florence),  one  of  Europe's  most  attractive
cities, famous for its churches, galleries and museums.

More details can be found on the conference web site.

Web Sites and Email Contact:
   PPDP 2001: http://music.dsi.unifi.it/pli01/ppdp
   PLI 2001:  http://music.dsi.unifi.it/pli01

Important Dates:
   Submission     15 March 2001
   Notification    7 May   2001
   Final Version  11 June  2001

Conference Chair:
   Rocco De Nicola, Universita di Firenze

Program Chair:
   Harald Sondergaard, The University of Melbourne

Program Committee:
   Maria Alpuente, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, ES
   Yves Caseau, Bouygues, FR
   Michael Codish, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, IL
   Saumya Debray, Univ. of Arizona, US
   Conal Elliott, Microsoft Research, US
   Sandro Etalle, Univ. Maastricht, NL
   Roberto Giacobazzi, Univ. di Verona, IT
   Michael Leuschel, Univ. of Southampton, GB
   John Lloyd, Australian National Univ., AU
   Torben Mogensen, Kobenhavns Univ., DK
   Alan Mycroft, Cambridge Univ., GB
   Gopalan Nadathur, Univ. of Minnesota, US
   Martin Odersky, Ecole Polyt. Fed. Lausanne, CH
   Catuscia Palamidessi, Penn State Univ., US
   Andreas Podelski, Max-Planck-Inst. Informatik, DE
   Kostis Sagonas, Uppsala Univ., SE
   Christian Schulte, Univ. des Saarlandes, DE
   Michael Schwartzbach, Aarhus Univ., DK
   Harald Sondergaard, Univ. of Melbourne, AU
   Peter J. Stuckey, Univ. of Melbourne, AU 

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