erlc options

Martin Bjorklund mbj@REDACTED
Fri Jan 12 08:31:54 CET 2001

"Vance Shipley" <vances@REDACTED> wrote:
> How do you get the MIB compiler to accept -ilroot?

I think you want to use the -I option, not -ilroot.  With -I you add a
specific directory to the include/import path.  -ilroot is used for
erlang code which uses the directive -include_lib.

> I've tried every combination of things I keep getting this:
> erlc +"{db,mnesia}" -ilroot "eva/priv/mibs/" ASG-MIB.mib

So try: 
  erlc +"{db,mnesia}" -I "eva/priv/mibs/" ASG-MIB.mib


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