Formatting style?
Shawn Pearce
Wed Jan 3 04:30:24 CET 2001
Hey, I'm just curious, how do the ``expert'' Erlang programmers
format this code:
trade_with_agent(Agent, #trade_task{mode=buy, market=Market}, Bid) ->
Seller = Market:bid_agent_id(Bid),
Id = make_trade(Agent, Seller, Market, Bid),
io:format("Agent ~p buy in ~p~n", [agent:id(Agent), Id]),
agent:send(Seller, {trade, buy, Id});
trade_with_agent(Agent, #trade_task{mode=sell, market=Market}, Bid) ->
Buyer = Market:bid_agent_id(Bid),
Id = make_trade(Buyer, Agent, Market, Bid),
io:format("Agent ~p sell in ~p~n", [agent:id(Agent), Id]),
agent:send(Buyer, {trade, sell, Id}).
I find it difficult to read that they are the same function, just
different varients of trade_with_agent/4.
I'm just talking about white space and formatting conventions, however
comments about the function's arguments are certainly welcome as well.
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life, you would have
received instructions
on where to go and what
to do.''
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