Doubt about funs

Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi Chandrashekhar.Mullaparthi@REDACTED
Wed Feb 21 15:22:54 CET 2001

IMHO, adding the arity in the fun specification will not add any more value.
On the contrary, it'll be a bit of a pain when we want to write code like:

somefunc(Fun) ->
    Pattern1 -> Fun(a,b);
    Pattern2 -> Fun(a,b,c)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lon Willett [mailto:Lon.Willett@REDACTED]
> Sent: 21 February 2001 13:44
> To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
> Cc: Paulo Ferreira
> Subject: Re: Doubt about funs
> So has anyone considered implementing a syntax like "fun 
> Mod:Fun/Arity"?
> It seems like an obvious thing to do.  And even a naive implementation
> which just replaced the expression with "{M,F}" (losing the arity)
> would at least provide a nice consistent way to express the intent.  A
> good implementation would produce some dynamic function object that
> was efficient, contained the arity, and was robust across code change.
> /Lon
> -- 
> Lon Willett <Lon.Willett@REDACTED>
> Security Architect, SSE Ltd.
> Fitzwilliam Court, Leeson Close
> Dublin 2, Ireland
> +353-1-216-2946
> +353-87-8053539 (mobile)

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