Doubt about funs
Paulo Ferreira
Tue Feb 20 19:32:38 CET 2001
>Yes, it is true that you can (still) use tuples {Module, FunctionName} in
>this manner, but it is a relic of early Erlang implementations and I
>strongly recommend that they are not used in new code. If you need to pass
>around a functional value to call a particular function in a particular
>module, the following is much better:
> F = fun (X1, ..., Xn) -> m:f(X1, ..., Xn) end
>1), it is apparent that `m' is the target of a call (so e.g. tools like
>`xref' can know about it, and you can easily grep for `m:' in your source
>code. In general, avoid passing around module names as data. (For the same
>reason, it is better to use spawn/1 and spawn/2 than the old spawn/3 and
>spawn/4, if possible. Avoid `apply/3'.)
>2) The `fun ... end' value is a _real_ functional value, and has a
>well-defined arity.
>3) It is more efficient: a static remote-call `m:f(...)' is a relatively
>fast jump in modern (post-JAM) Erlang implementations, and applications of
>fun-expressions are also quite efficient nowadays, while the {M, F} call
>is basically executed by calling `erlang:apply(M, F, ArgList)' which is
>much slower.
> /Richard Carlsson
>Richard Carlsson (richardc@REDACTED) (This space intentionally left blank.)
>E-mail: Richard.Carlsson@REDACTED WWW:
Thanks to all that replied, but this last answer should be on the FAQ,
or at least on the documentation.
So, here is another advantage of erlang: One doubt and in two hours time
I have five correct answers !!!
Greetings from Porto,Portugal
Paulo Ferreira
Paulo Ferreira paf@REDACTED
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