Core Erlang minor update

Robert Virding rv@REDACTED
Thu Apr 19 12:43:24 CEST 2001

Richard Carlsson <richardc@REDACTED> writes:
>A small update of the Core Erlang specification has been made. See
>for details.

I must make one small point here.

The current BEAM compiler already uses Core internally.  It is,
however, not quite the same Core as richard has documented although
they are (slowly) converging.  One major difference is the that the
internal representations are different even though the textual forms
are very alike.

If you are interested in looking at it check out the core_XXX
modules.  To see the how Erlang is converted to Core try the following
compiler flags:

dcore	- direct Core representation of the Erlang code
dcopt	- Core code after optimisation

You can directly write Core modules but it is not really supported.
There is no benefit in doing it, although in some respects the Core
language has some nice features, and some features which make it a
pain to use directly.

Robert Virding                          Tel: +46 (0)8 545 55 017
Alteon Web Systems                      Email: rv@REDACTED
S:t Eriksgatan 44                       WWW:
SE-112 34 Stockholm, SWEDEN
"Folk säger att jag inte bryr mig om någonting, men det skiter jag i".

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