Erlang futures

James Hague jamesh@REDACTED
Tue Apr 17 23:03:53 CEST 2001

I wrote:

> 1. If you are doing things like fetching and parsing web 
> pages, just handle the pages as binaries. It is just as easy 
> to parse a binary as a string, and there is no wasted space.

On that subject, here is a binary version of lists:splitwith, which I have
found handy:

% Split a binary into two parts and return {list, binary}.

splitwith(Pred, B) ->
   splitwith(Pred, B, []).
splitwith(Pred, <<Hd,Tail/binary>>=B, Taken) ->
   case Pred(Hd) of
      true  -> splitwith(Pred, Tail, [Hd|Taken]);
      false -> {lists:reverse(Taken), B}
splitwith(Pred, <<>>, Taken) ->


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