Fun, fun, Funs?

Andy with Recycled Electrons aba3600@REDACTED
Thu Sep 28 04:44:43 CEST 2000


I'm trying to write a procedure to map a fun down a list...

Can anyone tell me how this differs from the book?

215: f(Num, Mean) -> (Num - Mean)*(Num - Mean).
217: Sub = fun f/1.
218: %
220: getVariance(List)
221: %
222: %
223: 	->
224: 	sumList( lists:map(Sub, List) ).
I get errors:
./poedt.erl:217: syntax error before: Sub
./poedt.erl:224: variable 'Sub' is unbound
./poedt.erl:224: function sumList/1 undefined


Andy Allen
Recycled Electrons
email: andy@REDACTED

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