writing a simple function
Joe Armstrong
Mon Sep 11 16:03:53 CEST 2000
Ummm. I did it twice. Once with a dummy loop to assess the overhead in the
timeing process itself :-)
Thus ..
-export([time_fun/2, time_fun/3, fac/1]).
time_fun(String, Fun) -> time_fun(String, Fun, 1).
time_fun(String, Fun, N) ->
time1(N, fun() -> true end), %% <- time a dummy loop
{_,T1} = statistics(runtime),
time1(N, Fun), %% <- and the real thing
{_, T2} = statistics(runtime),
%% T is in milliseconds
io:format("T1 = ~p T2=~p~n",[T1, T2]),
Dt = T2 - T1, %% the real thing - the dummy loop
Dt =< 0 ->
io:format("~s took 0 -- try increasing the number of tests~n",
true ->
R = Dt/N,
io:format("~s took ~p ms~n", [String, R])
time1(0, _) -> true;
time1(N, Fun) -> Fun(),time1(N-1, Fun).
fac(0) -> 1;
fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
%% example
> time_it:time_fun("factorial", fun() -> time_it:fac(200) end,1000).
T1 = 0 T2=440
factorial took 0.440000 ms
Joe Armstrong,
Bluetail AB, tel: +46 8-545 550 00
S:t Eriksgatan 44, fax: +46 8-545 550 50
SE-112 32 Stockholm, Sweden info: www.bluetail.com
> Matthias.Lang@REDACTED writes:
> > To directly answer your question, here's a program which prints
> > 'hello' 1000 times by calling the 'fwrite' function in the module
> > 'hello' 1000 times, after importing it:
> .. or to slightly less directly answer it, not taking "import"
> literally in the erlang sense, here's a generic way that you might
> write such a module:
> -module(looptime).
> -author('luke@REDACTED').
> -export([time/4, dotimes/4]).
> %% Time how long it takes to apply Function of Module to Arguments N times.
> %% Example usage:
> %% looptime:time(100000, erlang, now, []).
> %% Returns: {ok, Micros} | {error, Reason}
> time(N, Module, Function, Arguments) ->
> case timer:tc(?MODULE, dotimes, [N, Module, Function, Arguments]) of
> {_, {'EXIT', R}} ->
> {error, R};
> {Time, _} ->
> {ok, Time}
> end.
> dotimes(0, M, F, A) ->
> ok;
> dotimes(N, M, F, A) ->
> apply(M, F, A),
> dotimes(N-1, M, F, A).
> Cheers,
> Luke
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