erl_interface and ALIVE

Vance Shipley vances@REDACTED
Fri Sep 1 21:23:57 CEST 2000


Yes, but check out the times!  My buffers are filling up 
with these messages as they are produced many times a second.

This seems to be produced by run_erl.  In run_erl.c:

  /* Enter the work loop */

  timeout.tv_sec  = LOG_ALIVE_MINUTES*60;
  timeout.tv_usec = 0;
  while (1) {
    maxfd = MAX(rfd, mfd);
    FD_SET(rfd, &readfds);
    FD_SET(mfd, &readfds);
    ready = select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    if (ready < 0) {
      /* Some error occured */
      error("Error in select.");
    } else {
      /* Check how long time we've been inactive */
      time_t now;
      if(!ready || now - last_activity > LOG_ACTIVITY_MINUTES*60) {
   /* Either a time out: 15 minutes without action, */
   /* or something is coming in right now, but it's a long time */
   /* since last time, so let's write a time stamp this message */
   sprintf(buf, "\n===== %s%s", ready?"":"ALIVE ", ctime(&now));
   write_to_log(&lfd, &lognum, buf, strlen(buf));

I believe that what is happening is that select is returning 0 at
these times.  It gets into a state where it gets stuck doing this.
It hasn't timed out though as it's been far, far less than a minute.

I think I'll test and report errno and see what it says...


}  >Another problem which I do not yet understand is that 
}  >sometimes the Erlang node will produce the following 
}  >messages in the logs:
}  >
}  >===== ALIVE Fri Sep  1 11:32:49 2000
}  >
}  >===== ALIVE Fri Sep  1 11:32:49 2000
}  >
}  >===== ALIVE Fri Sep  1 11:32:49 2000
}  These entries are written to mark that the node is up and running,
}  even though it is not outputting anything to the shell.
}  /Uffe

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