ASN.1 questions

Torbjorn Tornkvist tobbe@REDACTED
Fri Oct 27 16:43:41 CEST 2000

> Since you are just writing an LDAP server, not a full 
> X.500 directory (thank your lucky stars), you can probably 
> get away with just dealing with certs and CRLs as binary 
> values, which avoids all the encoding issues.

Hold your horses ! 
It is not a server I'm implementing, it is an
LDAP client interface.

> Urk.  There is a big can of worms here (certificate path 
> construction and validation).  But fortunately for you, 
> I think its all on the client side.

Urk, in that case I think I'll leave that part for 
someone else to implement... :-)

Cheers /Tobbe

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