GS application

Simon Bennett simonb@REDACTED
Tue Oct 24 10:18:47 CEST 2000

Gerald Biederbeck wrote:

> I installed GS and Erlang too.
> It works fine.
> Priya Paramasevam wrote:
> >   I am using Erlang to develop a simulation. I need to use GS for this. I
> > have installed Erlang and GS on my computer. Unfortunately, I am not able
> > to view the GS window.

What I think Gerald is saying is that you have not given people on the
list much to go on....

For example:

What operating system are you using?

What version of Erlang are you using?

Is OTP installed as part of the Erlang installation or separately?  If
the latter, have you installed it?

What have you actually done to test it?  Run an existing program? 
Written your own program?  Entered commands in the shell?

What was the response?  Did any error messages appear anywhere?

Simon Bennett
Information Systems Consultant

 Simon Bennett            E-mail:     simonb@REDACTED
 Ericsson Intracom
 1 Bede Island Road       Voice (UK)  0116 2542400
 Leicester                Voice (int) +44 116 2542400
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