Lazy lists - an implementation.
Robert Virding
Wed Oct 18 13:25:50 CEST 2000
Richard Carlsson <richardc@REDACTED> writes:
>On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Sean Hinde wrote:
>> If we already have a large list and want to generate another I guess
>> there would there be no benefit of converting this into a lazy_list
>> first? (would this make a Huge fun?)
>Not "Huge" - the function "lazy(L)" takes your normal list and embeds it
>in a small fun (no copying done) which will on demand return the next
>element. The space usage is comparable to a tuple with a small number of
Yes, but you would still already have created the original huge list.
Converting it to a lazy list AFTERWARDS will not gain you anything in
space, actually it will cost you as you replace a cons cell with a
tuple of a few extra elements. That added to the extra execution cost
of first making it lazy and then extracting each cons cell makes it all
seem like a big lose.
This means that using lazy lists is really only practical if you use it
consistently from start to finnish with an object. That is why I
suggested not calling them lazy lists but lazy <something else> as they
aren't interchangeable.
Robert Virding Tel: +46 (0)8 545 55 017
Alteon Web Systems Email: rv@REDACTED
S:t Eriksgatan 44 WWW:
SE-112 34 Stockholm, SWEDEN
"Folk säger att jag inte bryr mig om någonting, men det skiter jag i".
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