Windows build

Klacke klacke@REDACTED
Tue Oct 17 15:16:42 CEST 2000

On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 10:16:37AM +0200, Per Bergqvist wrote:
> There are some other more important problems as well such as the use of
> MSVCRT setargv and the
> way quoting of parameters is done which inhibits use of the make files
> as is.
> I have a build environment more or less ready for Windows but need
> somebody to volunteer to assist.
> I hoped to finish it a couple of weeks ago but so far I haven't turned
> on my PC at home the last three weeks....
> If I knew that somebody really would like to test it I'll probably kick
> myself somewhere and fix it.

This spring I used Per's build environment to build otp_r6b
for win32. It's obviously much better to build on the 
win32 machine directly than to build (and debug) in a mixed
adhoc environment. Use Cygnus gmake, openssl, perl MSVC++ nmake ...

We aimed to ship our stuff on win32 as well
as unices.  (Un ...)fortunately this was cancelled so we never
shiped. However here's the build_nt directory which I used.
It's supposed to reside just under $ERL_TOP


Claes Wikstrom                          <klacke@REDACTED>
Bluetail AB                   

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