requirements of health care apps

Bud P. Bruegger bud@REDACTED
Wed May 3 12:20:44 CEST 2000

Many thanks for the highly interesting responses.  I very much appreciate
your help.  I'll be unavailable for 2 weeks and will followup then.

best cheers
| Bud P. Bruegger, Ph.D.  |  mailto:bud@REDACTED                       |
| Sistema                 |                       |
| Information Systems     |  voice general: +39-0564-418667              |
| Via U. Bassi, 54        |  voice direct:  +39-0564-418667 (internal 41)|
| 58100 Grosseto          |  fax:           +39-0564-426104              |
| Italy                   |  P.Iva:         01116600535                  |

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