Arity of funs

Tony Rogvall tony@REDACTED
Wed Mar 15 13:01:24 CET 2000

matthias@REDACTED wrote:

>  > There is no way to find out the arity of a fun.
> I've put a .beam file up at
> Here's what it does:
> 4> besserwisser:arity(fun(_) -> a end).
> 1
> 5> besserwisser:arity(fun() -> a end).
> 0
> 6> besserwisser:arity(fun(p,q,r) -> a end).
> 3
> How it works is a secret. Looking in the local filesystem is cheating,
> Björn.
> Matthias

Try this:
and see how the besser works (read NOT) :-)

also try besserwisser:arity(fn:f(5))



f(0) -> fun() ->  erlang:display(besserwisser) end;
f(1) -> fun(A) ->  erlang:display(besserwisser) end;
f(2) -> fun(A,B) ->  erlang:display(besserwisser) end;
f(3) -> fun(A,B,C) ->  erlang:display(besserwisser) end;
f(4) -> fun(A,B,C,D) -> erlang:display(besserwisser) end;
f(5) -> fun(x,x,x,x,x) -> erlang:display(besserwisser) end.



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