possible bug with erlang source + odbc Makefile

cahill cahill@REDACTED
Fri Dec 15 17:46:27 CET 2000

I downloaded the otp/erlang R7B-1,
After running the 

./configure --with-odbc=true --without-ssl
make install

I found that it was not after installing the ODBC module at all.
I tried this on a Linux i686  machine

The error occurs in the <install dir>lib/Makefile

The following lines seem to be at fault:

" ifeq ($(findstring sparc-sun-solaris,$(TARGET)),sparc-sun-solaris)
  endif  " 

This Condition statement is never satisfied.

As a temporary solution i copied the line
outside the condtional statement, and the make successfully installed my
odbc directory in the <erlang>/lib/

I would like to thank Chandru, for helping me to resolve this bug.As i
have been at this for days.

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