Code changing

Ulf Wiger etxuwig@REDACTED
Mon Oct 4 11:48:11 CEST 1999

On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, SEAN HINDE wrote:

SEAN.H>I use the commercial version for some very high availibility
SEAN.H>telecoms applications and still expect to receive fully
SEAN.H>tested new releases on a probably 6 monthly basis from
SEAN.H>Ericsson. I guess Ericssons many internal customers will have
SEAN.H>the same requirement.

Speaking for one of the internal customers, we will also expect fully
tested releases for our very high availability application. However, we
will not require releases of the entire system every 6 months. Backwards
compatible application upgrades in between major releases are to be
expected, but stuff like new compilers, new emulators, and other
earth-moving stuff can come as far apart as a year or so... (:

We also hope that it will be possible to find a good balance between Open
Source and Commercial-Grade quality releases.

Actually, I believe that support is more of an issue than the actual code.
I have no reason to suspect that the Open Source release will be that much
worse than the commercial release -- if they're not the same, that is. But
there has to be a group of designers/testers that packages, certifies, and
supports a commercial release to the standards that we need.


SEAN.H>Any views on how this will/can/should be reconciled with a more freeform 
SEAN.H>open source  environment?
SEAN.H>Sean Hinde
SEAN.H>>Gunilla Hugosson <gunilla@REDACTED> writes:
SEAN.H>> I can just add that the next release is scheduled to November 10.
SEAN.H>>I think I speak for all of us when I say "yahooooo!" Will the
SEAN.H>>commercial and open source versions be one and the same from this
SEAN.H>>point onwards?

Ulf Wiger, Chief Designer AXD 301      <ulf.wiger@REDACTED>
Ericsson Telecom AB                          tfn: +46  8 719 81 95
Varuvägen 9, Älvsjö                          mob: +46 70 519 81 95
S-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden                   fax: +46  8 719 43 44

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