Can messages be sent to processes interactively?
James Hague
Thu May 20 18:33:42 CEST 1999
I've been doing a lot of sequential programming in Erlang, but have just
started getting into concurrency. It seems very obvious and
I wrote a quickie test process so I can start it up and send messages to
it interactively, just so I know that all is well:
start() -> spawn(sample, server, []).
server() ->
stop -> ok;
Msg ->
io:fwrite("message received: ~w\n", [Msg]),
This compiles just fine, and I can start the process from the Erlang
prompt with P = sample:start(), which results in a valid pid. "P ! 1."
from the command line, though, doesn't result in any fwrite output,
though. process_info(P) returns an atom of 'undefined'.
Is it not possible to do this sort of thing interactively? I've only
tried this using JAM under Windows. I haven't tried it with BEAM on my
Linux box yet.
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