Erlang documentation

Lyn A Headley lyn@REDACTED
Fri Jul 9 21:39:39 CEST 1999

comparing simple C programs with erlang -- I think that's a good idea.
here's my shot at your example (but I'm pretty new to erlang too!)
anybody else got a more natural solution?


void foo(int x, int y, int z)
	if (x > y && y < z)
		/* do something */
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < z; i++)
		/* do somethong else */

foo(X, Y, Z) when X > Y, Y < Z ->

foo(X, Y, Z) ->
    foo_iter(X, Y, Z).

foo_iter(X, Y, 0) ->

foo_iter(X, Y, Z) ->
    foo(X, Y, Z - 1).

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