Jam vs. beam

Francesco Cesarini cesarini@REDACTED
Mon Jul 5 18:14:30 CEST 1999

Are there any specific reasons for preferring to use the jam instead of the
beam other than historical ones? 

>From what I understand, the beam takes about the same time to compile the
code as the jam, is platform independent, produces compiled code which run
2 - 10 times faster than the jam, can allocate more memory, etc etc, with
the only down side beeing larger compiled modules?

Is it the force of habit which still leads the way when the choice
should instead be obvious?


Francesco Cesarini                Phone:    +46 8  719 56 97
 				  Fax:      +46 8  719 89 40
Erlang Systems                    Cellular: +46 70 563 04 36 
Torshamnsgatan 39 B
Box 1214                           http://www.ericsson.se/erlang
S-164 28 KISTA, SWEDEN             cesarini@REDACTED

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