fun with funs

Ulf Wiger ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Wed Apr 28 15:17:00 CEST 1999

Robert Virding wrote:
> It is not defined and there is no documentation for this.  It is
> different for the JAM and the BEAM.
> In the new version of the BEAM, R6, this will change, as will how fun
> errors are signaled.  The _current_ suggestion is:

Ok, that's fine, but I was thinking that it might be useful still for
programmers to know what to do *today* (even if it may change in some
future release.)

Was my analysis of funs in BEAM (today) correct? Is there a
corresponding method that would work for JAM (today)?

Ulf Wiger, Chief Designer AXD 301     <ulf.wiger@REDACTED>
Ericsson Telecom AB                          tfn: +46  8 719 81 95
Varuvägen 9, Älvsjö                          mob: +46 70 519 81 95
S-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden                   fax: +46  8 719 43 44

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